Member Testimonials
Find out why local businesses are proud members of the River Falls Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber membership has benefited our small nonprofit in countless ways over the years. We value the opportunities to network with business owners in the community at Chamber Coffees and events. The promotional help that the Chamber provides is invaluable to us - sharing our events and news on social media enables us to reach an entire audience that we alone could not reach. I’ve also appreciated the professional development opportunities that have
been offered through the Chamber - they have been an affordable and accessible resource that I’ve utilized on numerous occasions. Thinking back to the
pandemic - the Chamber helped much of River Falls navigate federal funding opportunities - keeping us up to date on requirements and deadlines - and
putting those dollars within our reach. The Chamber is a true partner in the community for us - and we are grateful. The cost of our chamber membership is minimal in relation to all the benefits we’ve received over the years.
–Shelly Smith
Director at Our Neighbors’ Place